Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Day Slipped Away!

Yesterday I missed my run...
Not without many attempts!
I was up at 5:30am ...but so was my two little ones, so I took that time to just enjoy them, knowing I had the whole day to fit it in.
Somehow...I am not sure how....the day slipped away!
So at 11:00pm I got on the treadmill...but once again little ones called!

Over the years the one thing I have learned is that my running is patient. It is always there for me.

It calms my tired nerves!
It revives my worn out body!
It lifts my spirits!
It burns my ice cream!

I have had more days than not, when my schedule goes out the door...I've even had weeks and months when I wonder "how will I do this?"

Somehow it all works out and running stays my companion!
Today...I will get my run in!
At least every attempt will be made! (wink)

1 comment:

  1. I know just what you mean with the kiddos needing you. It happens to me all the time too! :-)
