I love to race!
I actually love to race more than run....
racing is what gets me excited about running!
Yesterday, was my first race of the season...
I have been working out for 5 week...with a small bit of running...here a little ...there a little!
I was hoping to run in the 25 min range!
I was SHOCKED to find out that I ran 23:29!
Not too shabby for this momma!
Even more than the time...I was excited about my mile splits...
Usually I go out way too fast...and then hang on to dear life!
I know better....but I just can't seem to get myself to change the way I race!
This time, I was just looking for a time...so that I would know where I was.
I took off to fast...with the rest of the crowd...but my whole body was shutting down after about 2oo yds...so I decided to wait for my younger daughter and just run with her...
as I was shuffling along, I saw my daughters teacher from last year...and I knew that she ran a 25 min. 5k...and was a consistent runner!
I decided to stay with her, and see how I felt after a couple of miles!
This helped me get into a good pace....
1st mile 7:30...
I quickly did the math in my head and realized that I was not ready to run a 7:30 pace!
I then thought I better slow down a tad....
As I slowed down I thought "Sherri, this is a mental sport and you feel good....so if you talk yourself into slowing down ...then you will not run the correct time!"
So I decided to keep that pace for as long as I could!
7:30 is a 23:10 5k....so I almost ran a perfect split race...(minus 20 sec.)
That is what I am excited about!
I ran a smart race...I felt what it felt like!
It was still hard...but I had my head on the whole time...much better....than praying for ankle to break so I could quit! (which I have done!)

I got 1st in my age group...(which is always an ego booster)
that is what I love about small races...if I ran a big race, I would have just fallen into the crowd...this helped me get excited about racing!
This race was 366 people!
The 2nd medal is from my daughter....7 years old...who ran 26:37!
I was so proud of her...she ran her little heart out!
Here's the BIG QUESTION!
We have a race here in our town next Wed.
just 10 days after that race!
She is signed up to run...she is young...and untrained!
Is it okay for her to run another 5k...already????
I hesitate...but she insists!!!

(The little one in the green is the one who ran 26:37)